I believe there’s beauty in the chaos.
Friends, awhile back, I’d had a pretty shitty day. I’d snapped at my kids, the to-do list seemed to have babies while I wasn’t looking, I’d set dinner on fire, and my children had poured half the contents of their bath water onto the floor. I hadn’t showered or slept well the night before; I’d reheated my coffee three times and still didn’t remember it was in the microwave.
When my four-year-old daughter said, “sleep with me” at bedtime that night, I laid down, wiped her nose with the sleeve of my shirt, and looked at her.
She stared into my eyes with so much love I thought my heart would explode. She placed her small, chubby, sweaty hand on my cheek and smiled. The love was palpable. A tear streamed down my cheek as I was reminded that to her, I am the most beautiful woman in the world. Hell, I AM her world.
As moms, we’re managing the mess and putting others ahead of ourselves. We forget to see the beauty in the chaos and are rarely shown the way our children love us. Sometimes we forget to slow down, laugh, connect, and hug on our people.
If you’ve forgotten to stop and soak in the beautiful world you’re creating, it’s time for us to chat…
And for me to show you just how amazing your family is.
Former Social Worker; Cherry Garcia lover; Pretzel Addict; Enneagram 2; Schitt’s Creek fan; all things Brene Brown; Pisces; Laughing loud, hard, and often
Yellow Room?
Super easy answer- in 2012, when I started my business, my office was yellow (before my son took the room over). It’s fun, cheery, hopeful, and just fit what I wanted to create.
Matchy-matchy outfits- y’all can do better; glitter on children’s costumes- seriously- why? why?!; the mug my hubby leaves on the window sill every day; food touching that’s not supposed to