Camping in Flagstaff
We trekked up to our current favorite camping spot a few weeks back- Pinegrove Campground near Flagstaff.
Bring on the fresh air, lack of cell service, endless roasted marshmallows, starry nights, and clothes that smell like a bonfire.
I didn’t camp as a kid. My dad may have been an Eagle Scout, but camping was never on our agenda. I think I slept in a tent once as a Girl Scout, but that summed up my experience sleeping in the great outdoors. Then I met my *now* husband. His family camped, he camped as a Boy Scout, he enjoyed backcountry hiking with all you need on your back, and he loved it. I recall enjoying our first camping experience in Western New York. We went car camping, hiked around the area, and met a family of raccoons one evening.
When I moved to Arizona, my husband and his best friend planned a three day hike through the Grand Canyon. So much for car camping! Now I had to carry all my gear on my back. 😬😒 They also failed to tell me that they chose the second hardest route into the Canyon- 9 miles of switchbacks without another person in sight… I survived and somehow, we are still in a relationship…
But what I’ve learned that I like to camp- CAR CAMP that is- with a bonfire, s’mores, and an air mattress. Give me all the cool gear from REI that we can pack up in my vehicle and let’s head to the woods.
I also love that I have zero cell service when we head into the woods, and even more importantly, my kids have zero technology. They gather sticks, take hikes, build forts, rest in the hammock, wrap trees up with rope (which we remove before we leave), communicate via walkie-talkie, carve wood, roast marshmallows, and all that good stuff.
We’ve been to a number of campgrounds, but truly enjoy going up to Pinegrove Campground just East of Flagstaff. The grounds are beautiful, the weather is cooler, and there is running water. We usually go up with my in-laws and my kids love the time they have with them up there. Much to my dismay son has learned to whittle sticks; we’ve learned how to handle skunks that like to meander the campgrounds at night; and we’ve been able to introduce our nieces and nephew to the camping experience.
Of course, as I wrote this blog, I took a deep dive to pictures of my children from the past few years of camping up there.
We’re hoping to tackle some bigger camping adventures in the future, so if you have any suggestions on National Parks that you absolutely loved- please send the info my way!