Short & Sweet Session


These sessions are 20 minutes, and take place outside near sunset at a pre-determined location in the Phoenix area.

1 SLOT REMAINING- 11/3, 5:00pm


Sometimes You Just Want a Quickie

Ogborne Fall Family Session 2019-57.jpg

Are you looking for a session to document your pregnant belly, your child’s birthday or milestone, your engagement, your children with their grandparents, or simply update your holiday card?


Stoker Spring 2021-22.jpg

Is this the right type of session for you?

These sessions are swift and while they will definitely allow for multiple poses and areas to explore, these aren't right for your family if:

*You have a child that is slow to warm up to others
*You want a session that allows for more image combinations (solo shots of each child, children together, children with each parent, etc)

*You want to choose your location or do an in-home session 


Curious about the difference between a full and a mini session- check out the post below to help you decide

Cassie Maternity-57.jpg
Petersen Family Session 2019-180.jpg
Byrne-Sofiov 2020-43.jpg


It doesn’t have to be weird, but unfortunately you can’t pay me in wine and chocolate.

Short & Sweet Sessions start at $625 and include a 20 minute sessions and a number of digital files depending on the collection you choose. 

A $350 non-refundable retainer is due at booking and this secures your date on the calendar.  Your photos will be presented in a slideshow to view and you choose from one of the following collections:


Tasha Maternity 2019-110.jpg

Standard: $625

($350 retainer + $275 collection)

Includes access to your viewing gallery, 10 digital files, and a $100 shop credit

Stanton Fall Session 2020-99.jpg

Classic: $775

($350 retainer + $425 collection)

Includes access to your viewing gallery, 20 digital files, and a $150 shop credit

Premium: $925

($350 retainer + $575 collection)

Includes access to your viewing gallery, all the digital files, a $200 shop credit


Location Examples



BOULDERS- N. Phoenix

11/1/24 | BOOKED

DESERT BRUSH- N. Central Phoenix

11/3/24 | 5:00

Let’s Get You Booked!