Family Photo Shoot- What’s holding you back?

It can be awkward to be photographed and a lot of people get nervous when booking their family photo session.  You may be meeting a photographer you’ve never met- what will he/she be like? 

You could be wondering if your family is going to “cooperate” or if your children are going to meltdown or if your husband will be a party pooper. 

You may feel self-conscious about this phase in your life- perhaps life has thrown a few curve balls or you don’t feel amazing in your skin right now.  

All of these feelings are completely normal! 

Heck, once a year I hire a photographer to shoot my own family and these thoughts all run through my head too. 

My kids tend to go bananas when others are around; my husband doesn’t love photo shoots (but knows they’re important to me); for a long time I felt awkward in my post-baby body; and there are years where we struggle (and years where we thrive). 

But I also know how important it is to for me to have these times photographed- for a multitude of reasons…

I know that having family photographs on my walls restores my sanity at the end of a challenging day. 

I know having photographs of my children and family around helps my children gain a greater sense of self-esteem, self-worth, and understanding of who and what is important in their lives by seeing these photographs. 

I know that these photographs preserve this moment in time and the love story that our family is creating. 

I know that in twenty years, I am going to look back at these images and think I looked freaking fantastic. 

I know that in thirty years, my grandchildren are going to see photographs of their parents as children and learn a bit more about their family. 

I know that life is imperfect, and that it’s messy and beautiful all rolled into one. 

I know that time isn’t guaranteed and that these photographs are what will be left behind as part of my legacy.  

So you see, your hesitations and nervousness and debate about this investment are valid, but they shouldn’t outweigh the significant benefits that come from booking that family photo shoot.

Still on the fence? Check out what Heidi wrote about what it’s like to be photographed HERE.

Let’s get your family photographed!


Your Family is a Work of Art


Fresh 48 Hospital Session