Fresh 48 Hospital Session
The first time I gave birth, there were a lot of complications. It was a challenging couple of days and not at all what I had planned for. I had hoped that I could take photographs of my son in the hospital to capture all those tiny, precious, fresh details. But the reality was that I could barely stand up after my c-section and I continued to have some medical issues. I remember really wishing I had hired someone to come to the hospital and photograph him during those first moments. The moments that I figured I would remember forever, but could barely stay awake for.
The second time I gave birth, I had a planned c-section and I knew that I wanted to hire someone to photograph those first moments, tiny details, and especially when my son met his sibling. I am so stinking grateful that I did, because while I could function better after this birth compared to my first, I just wanted to step back and enjoy those days and let someone else do the heavy lifting (ie. photographing).
Hospital Sessions are also well known as Fresh 48 Sessions because they take place within the first 2 days of birth. However, they are not something widely spoken about or considered. And to be honest, they up there as my favorite type of session because it’s a chance to really preserve this moment in your family’s love story- it’s not staged or posed, the emotions are raw, and this cannot be replicated. It’s a small blip in the grand story, but dang, it’s a really important one.
The world is a beautiful, messy blur in those first days. Your body is worn and tired, but your heart and soul are full and bursting. You study those new baby details- the curve of their lip, the tiny eye lashes, the wrinkly fingers and tiny toes, the poof of hair (or lack thereof). All of those details that you dreamt about for so many months. Those first moments breast feeding or learning to swaddle deserve a permanent place in your memories through these sessions.
For this family, the best moments were when these amazing siblings got to meet their brother for the first time. They were filled with wonder, excitement, and glee. The room was bursting with love from the siblings and grandparents.
This is an important chapter in your love story. Let’s make sure it’s preserved for eternity.